Hi, I'm Nikhil! I'm a software/product engineer excited about making open-source more accessible 🚀, creating technology to empower communities ✨, and designing for healthcare + education 📚.
Currently, I research ML + health equity at Harvard and build large quantitative AI models across biomedical, cybersecurity, and financial domains at SandboxAQ.
Previously, I led infra for scalable AI explainability at TruEra (acq. by Snowflake), and I graduated with a double major in CS + Statistics and a minor in Applied Sciences and Engineering from UNC, where I researched ML models to predict early-stage Alzheimer's 🔬 and led student teams to build solutions for non-profits via CS + Social Good. I also directed / mentored a few hackathons 🖥️ along the way!
✉️ cnikhil [dot] vytla [at] gmail [dot] com
↗️ Last updated: Dec 2024
generative AI + NLP for clinical trials
AI for clinical decision making
large quantitative models + AI for quantum sensing
applied ML, pandemic preparedness, and socioepidemic misinformation
democratizing accessible + explainable AI
building ML monitoring tools to track data quality, drift / researching RCA + NN fairness
building OSS developer education tools for RHEL & EC2 / researching + advocating for ☁️ accessibility
creating a gamified platform to teach accessible development for all
connecting communities around the 🌎 / leading product accessibility eng.
creating secure data tokenization APIs / internal audit apps / anomaly detection neural networks
developing ML models for early-stage Alzheimer's detection / designing biomechanics for chronic ankle instability
deploying data pipeline APIs / analytics dashboards for personal investment transaction data
launching free, engaging, customizable K-12 curricula for 22K+ under-privileged students in the US & India
trustworthy ML + health equity
B.S. Computer Science, B.S. Statistics and Analytics, Minor in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Aug 2018 - Dec 2021
CS + social good + convergent engineering
Organizers Of QueerInAI: Anaelia Ovalle, Arjun Subramonian, Ashwin Singh, Claas Voelcker, Danica J. Sutherland, Davide Locatelli, Eva Breznik, Filip Klubička, Hang Yuan, Hetvi J, Huan Zhang, Jaidev Shriram, Kruno Lehman, Luca Soldaini, Maarten Sap, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Maria Leonor Pacheco, Maria Ryskina, Martin Mundt, Milind Agarwal, Nyx McLean, Pan Xu, A Pranav, Raj Korpan, Ruchira Ray, Sarah Mathew, Sarthak Arora, ST John, Tanvi Anand, Vishakha Agrawal, William Agnew, Yanan Long, Zijie J. Wang, Zeerak Talat, Avijit Ghosh, Nathaniel Dennler, Michael Noseworthy, Sharvani Jha, Emi Baylor, Aditya Joshi, Natalia Y. Bilenko, Andrew McNamara, Raphael Gontijo-Lopes, Alex Markham, Evyn Dǒng, Jackie Kay, Manu Saraswat, Nikhil Vytla, Luke Stark
June 2023 | ACM FAccT 2023 | Best Paper Award ⭐
Terika McCall, Muhammad Osama Ali, Fei Yu, Paul Fontelo, Saif Khairat, Computer Science + Social Good at UNC Chapel Hill (app development)
Aug 2021 | JMIR Formative Research
Revolutionizing online reading through instantaneous audio and voice control.
Building a social networking site for developers, investors, and entrepreneurs.
Leveraging crowd-sourced data for early flood warning & detection.
Personal pregnancy data analytics app for postpartum depression.
Making Earth observation more accessible for everyone.
Building a social platform to visualize research efforts (cures/vaccines/tests) against COVID-19.
Jul 2022 | Major League Hacking
Jun 2022 | UNC Chapel Hill | Minor in Applied Sciences & Engineering